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Activity For Hashtag "#camillaswalker"

Tracey Smorenburg
Tracey Smorenburg (2)
I was encouraged to start this journey after I posted a pic on Instagram of a gift I made for my daughter and was liked by #camillaswalker. I've just finished reading the book and I think that any positive energy we can offer this world is good. So here goes...
Today I took my neighbour a small bunch of Sweet Peas. She is a Muslim lady and they are celebrating Eid Mubarak. Early this week she dropped off a small plate of eats for our family. I returned the plate the eats came on with a small gift. She had some friends over and invited me in for tea. I got to meet some really interesting women, women who would not move in my social circles typically but it was a really uplifting experience. We may come from very culturally diverse backgrounds but as mothers we are very similar. Good start! I've also just read Mel Robbins, The 5 Second Rule. Normally I would decline a possibly awkward social interaction and would have politely declined the offer of tea. But with my new arsenal of tools, I said thanks that would be lovely and had a good experience.
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
2 people like this.
Melanie Peters
Melanie Peters (144)
Enjoy the journey! I am excited to read about your giving adventures.
7 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.