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Follr Admin
Follr Admin (82)
Take a minute and imagine:

- Waking up feeling invigorated, because your career gives you a sense of purpose and fulfillment
- Using your skills and talents in alignment with your values and aspirations
- Having more energy to pursue your activities and interests outside of work
- Feeling more confident about your management of finances and other priorities

This vision of your future is intriguing, isn't it? It holds the possibility of doing work every day that you love, and never again feeling as though life starts when your workweek ends. You can envision yourself more satisfied with your career than you've ever been, and you expect that this sense of satisfaction and happiness will extend into other areas of your life.

So what’s holding you back from living this story? If you’re like most of us, you've got a ready, reliable list of excuses. This is where coaching provides significant benefits. An experienced guide like The Crossroads Coach can offer you unconditional support and a proven process for exploring essential questions like:
Like Repost Comment Share 10 years ago