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Patricia Barnett ( Full Profile | )

Membership Level: Free
Hi, I live in the UK in a small town called Caterham in the county of Surrey. It's about 15 miles south of London. I have been a teacher in a sixth form college and now I teach privately. I love yoga, reading and my husband (not in that order - ha ha!). I am inspired by anyone who does an act of kindness for someone just from the joy of it. I was a member of the 29 day giving challenge and it changed my life - it made the lives of those around me just that tiny bit happier too. I am so glad you are back. ((


Patricia Barnett
Patricia Barnett (106)
Hi Robin, it's great that you have joined - hope you enjoy the challenge. (((HUG)))
Like Repost Comment Share 10 years ago
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Patricia Barnett
Patricia Barnett (106)
Day 29 - my final day - today I am finishing the dress I started for 'Dress A Girl Around the World' and sending it off. And I am just about to make a loan on Kiva.
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Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson (238)
Congratulations, Patricia!
10 years ago - Like
Patricia Barnett
Patricia Barnett (106)
Day 28 - my mum has been staying with me and I asked some people she knows to come and have dinner with us - my mum can be a bit shy at times, but she really likes Francis and Paul and she had a lovely time.
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Patricia Barnett
Patricia Barnett (106)
Day 27 - today I rushed home and went straight to the garden centre to get my mum the flower I knew she wanted before the shop shut.
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Patricia Barnett
Patricia Barnett (106)
Day 26 - Today I bought a little butterfly house and placed it in the garden among the flowers - I hope someone moves in.
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Patricia Barnett
Patricia Barnett (106)
Day 25 - I was so lucky with my give today - I saw a lady struggling with her wheelie shopping bag - she could not keep the bag on the wheels. I went over to help her and found that she needed to wrap the velcro around the bar to hold the bag on. She was so happy as she had to get on a bus and the bag was going to spill out every where.
Like Repost Comment Share 10 years ago
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Mark Wayman
Mark Wayman (8,666)
Way to go Patricia! :)
10 years ago - Like
Patricia Barnett
Patricia Barnett (106)
Day 24 - Today I tried not to show I was cross when I was - the garage have had my car for over a week and still not done the job - I sympathised with they problems and left it at that.
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Patricia Barnett
Patricia Barnett (106)
Hi Stephen, so glad you are here - wish you lots of joy with giving.
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Patricia Barnett
Patricia Barnett (106)
Day 23 - I have invited my mum to come and stay because she is not going on holiday this year - I am picking her up this evening.
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Patricia Barnett
Patricia Barnett (106)
Day 22 - Today I decided to make some dresses for Dress A Girl Around the World - I spent quite a while looking in all the local charity shops for some fabrics. I can use curtain material, sheets and duvets or fabric off of a roll - as long as it is pretty and looks new.
Like Repost Comment Share 10 years ago
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Joined: 7/21/2014


Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer