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Ana Gutierrez ( Full Profile | )

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Ana Gutierrez
Ana Gutierrez (0)
First i just want to say thank you to Mary Johnson who has been sending me supportive words along the way. I keep feeling like I don't have time to do this because I am so overwhelmed with other tasks on my plate, then I realize that the purpose of this is to heal me - not to add to my to do list. I want to do this because it will force me to evaluate what I am doing each day that is going to make a difference in someone else's life, not just my own. So on that note, I donated $10 to a cause that was important to me this week, and I bought pastries for my family today. I also did some of the smaller things, like coming home from work early to spend more time at home with my family who haven't seen much of me as I have been working late recently. I have gifted those close to me by giving them opportunities to work with me and make extra cash. And I successfully organized a flag football team that played their first game this week - this brought the gift of happiness and health to all of us I think. So this is my update since last time - it's been a few days. Tomorrow's gift, I have no idea... but there are a couple more causes I wanted to donate to so I might do that. Thank you 29-Day community for all of your support. I realize I really needed this forum.
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
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Ana Gutierrez
Ana Gutierrez (0)
So i didn't do any of the gifts I thought I would. Any suggestions on how to make gift giving a natural part of your life? What have you guys been doing?
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
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Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson (238)
Hello, Ana! Mindfully taking this challenge is the best way I know to make gift giving a natural occurrence! Every day when you wake up, give thanks for a new day and briefly meditate on the day's agenda. Think about opportunities you will have today to make someone's day brighter, someone's job lighter. Think about the people you will see on your way to work or school, at work or school, in line at the store, dropping off or picking up kids at daycare, etc. I urge you to keep a daily journal to help you stay on track over the next 29 days and post your gifts on this site - your fellow givers will hold you accountable! Keep giving and posting. We're watching... :-)
9 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Ana Gutierrez
Ana Gutierrez (0)
I gave a water bottle and granola bar to 2 separate homeless men today.
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
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Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson (238)
Both wonderful, healthy gifts! While we do not judge people in need at 29 Gifts, I feel better knowing I gave nourishment and sustenance, instead of cash that could be used for less healthy coping options. Your gift has reminded me that I used to keep a stash of cards to local shelters and donation centers to give them, as well. I'll have to go round some up again soon. If it's not already listed in the gift suggestion discussion (click on Discussions in the menu bar under the logo), I will add these to the list. Feel free to post there, as well - this is your member community.
9 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Ana Gutierrez
Ana Gutierrez (0)
Ok, so yesterday my gift was that a woman needed someone to swipe her into a parking lot and I did. She was causing a huge back up of traffic so I think everyone behind her appreciated that too. Who knows what today will bring?
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
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Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson (238)
That was definitely a gift to many, and you never know who you saved from being late and reprimanded - :-) Every gift given has a ripple effect. Thanks for sharing, Ana.
9 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Ana Gutierrez
Ana Gutierrez (0)
OK. I'm gonna do this. Day one 9/20/15. My gift was taking my dog to the dog park for the first time. Tomorrow my gift is taking my mom out to get facials together. I want to find a way to give things that don't involve money, because it means more and I want to really explore my life away from the confines of monetary value.
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
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Ana Gutierrez
Ana Gutierrez (0)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
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