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Melissa Luttner ( Full Profile | )

Membership Level: Free


Melissa  Luttner
Melissa Luttner (4)
Having just finished the audible version of this book, I thought today should be the day that I seriously start this challenge. Today I vowed to give with love. My sister has been going through a rough time lately, and has been resistant to answering her phone for the last 2 weeks. Concerned, and somewhat irritated, I decided to stop by her place and check up on her. I didn't want to go in with a sense of annoyance, though, and I thought to myself how nice it would be to get her some flowers. As I was stuck in traffic at a particularly long light, I saw a man walking between the cars with assorted bouquets! I have never purchased anything from someone on the street, and typically attempt to avoid eye contact. I'm not sure why, but something about it has always seemed a bit shady to me. Anyway, today I was overjoyed to roll down my window and greet the nice man. He suggested a beautiful rainbow bouquet of roses and I was happy to purchase them. He was so thankful and I realized that I unwittingly gave 2 gifts today. My sister was brightened by my surprise visit and touched by the roses; and the vendor was thankful for a kind face among the crowded street and a sale! I believe this to be a fantastic start!
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
1 person likes this.
Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson (238)
Thanks for sharing, Melissa. As you continue the challenge, giving opportunities will reveal themselves all around you, all the time, ripe for the picking - the right gifts at the right moments. The gifts of connecting are what make life enjoyable. You made two connections with one mindful gift! [APPLAUSE!]
9 years ago - Like
Melissa  Luttner
Melissa Luttner (4)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
1 person likes this.
joyce stewart
joyce stewart (18)
Welcome, I am new at this too... 6 days in... Some days giving is easy, some times hard to know what/ whom... I long for a guide like Cami had... Maybe we are the gift to one another... Bringing inspiration.
9 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.

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Joined: 10/6/2015


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