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Member Profile

Melissa Yeager ( Full Profile | )

Membership Level: Free
My sister lent me the 29 Gifts book, and it really hit home for me. I started my own logo and brand design business a little over a year ago and have been struggling with focus and spending my time intentionally. Now that I work from home for (and by) myself, it's shown me that I need to find new ways to connect with the world around me and to go out of my way to spend meaningful time with others. I'm excited to join this challenge and to not only give more consciously, but live more intentionally as well.


Melissa Yeager
Melissa Yeager (32)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
1 person likes this.

Member Overview

Activity: 1
Connections: 1
Follows: 5
Links: 3
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Communites: 1
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Joined: 1/9/2017


Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer