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Michael Ball ( Full Profile | )
Membership Level: Free
Blind man Mike


Michael  Ball
Michael Ball (100)
Day Two: I spoke with a long time friend of mine today. He mentioned to me that he was working on an art project. He is a very talented tattoo artist and recently got into riding Harleys. A fellow rider asked him to customize his bike with some new color. He told me his air brush gun was giving him problems and he didn't think he would finish the job. Well since I have lost my vision I no longer use the airbrush I own, so I boxed it up and shipped it straight to Tacoma WA. I asked him to finish the job and to not give up on his artwork. Many of my tattos were done by him, he is good at his work and I know he takes much pride in his creativity. Enjoy it my friend and I hope you put the airbrush to good use. I hope you make many people happy buy drawing something custom for them.
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Michael  Ball
Michael Ball (100)
Day 2 -, Today I woke up feeling full of positive energy. I took a chance and made a pretty good breakfast for my mother. Since I am blind I don't usually use the stove. I have had the training at the Braille Institute, but I am still leary of chopping off a finger or burning something. I let the positive feelings guide me and used my training. Breakfast was a success. She was very greatful and the feeling of doing more to help her after her stroke is wonderful. Many of my gifts going forward will include her I came close to losing her and I know every day with her is a gift.

Side note. Had a doctors appointment today and when the nurse asked me what I had been up too, I was very pleased to introduce her to the website. She said when I return we will compare notes on our journey.
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Way to go! My dad became completely blind at the age of 40. I know how challenging food prep can be! You rule!
7 years ago - Like
Michael  Ball
Michael Ball (100)
It is a warm sunny day here in Los Angeles, CA. As I met up with the women who delivers our mail, I noticed she was struggling a little. I was not sure if the weather had anything to do with it but I offered her a cold bottle of water in hopes it would ease her travels as she continued on to the next house and down the street. She graciously accepted and thanked me for thinking of her. I felt glad to help even if it was just a small gesture.
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Michael  Ball
Michael Ball (100)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago

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Joined: 6/5/2017


Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer