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Lesley Ward ( Full Profile | )
Membership Level: Free
Hi, I'm a great believer in the power of the Universe and all the magic it holds for us all. I practice positive thinking every day and infect as many people as i can :-) I have just begun my 29 gifts challenge after reading Cami's wonderful book, and am just about to gift the book to a friend. Looking forward to interacting with like minded friends .


Lesley Ward
Lesley Ward (100)
I'm on day 4 of giving, yesterday I woke at 04.45 full of energy and had the most amazing day full of gratitude,love and giving!!! Yesterday I received a huge amount of money for the charity I work for and today 2 beautiful gifts for me! My life is taking me in a deeper and more fulfilling direction ♥️ Thanks to you Cami xx
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
3 people like this.
Lesley Ward
Lesley Ward (100)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Lesley Ward
Lesley Ward (100)
A week ago I decided to meet my friend for lunch,nothing out of the ordinary there you say but I was unwell just recently diagnosed with Labyrinthitis which can send me into a state of swirling dizziness at a minutes notice. Anyway,to cheer myself up funnily enough I decided to treat my friend and pay. After a lovely catch up we went our separate ways and as I was passing a charity shop I doubled back to see if I could find a book, I had been looking for something for a few weeks and nothing captured my heart. As I was browsing through the shop a young shop assistant with additional needs asked if I would like to purchase a heart made from card which I could write a message on and it would be posted in the window,I was unsure but decided as it was for charity I would. I didn't know what I was going to write as she handed me a pen and a clipboard to lean on, but as I poised over the red heart I began to write.." To anyone and everyone who needs a little love X" Thengirl read it and said how lovely it was and walked away. I browsed through the books but again nothing was catching my eye and then I felt a tap on my shoulder. There stood another shop assistant this time a young man, he asked if I was the lovely lady who wrote on this heart and he produced my message, I said yes and he replied "then you have just won a prize,and that prize is a hug". He wrapped his arms around me and said,"there,does that feel nice? You deserve love too". I was extremely touched and very emotional as he walked away telling the other assistant he had a new friend. As I bent down to look on the bottom shelf a book caught my eye 29 Gifts! Without reading the back page I knew this was 'my' book. I am not in the least bit surprised given the events leading up to my buying it that the book would contain words and meanings that would capture my heart and soul and put me back on the road I had diverted from a couple of years ago. As a result I have now opened my heart and mind up to this great concept of consciously giving and began yesterday. I have just finished my book and intend gifting it to a friend who I know will appreciate it too. I have also bought another one today which I intend to gift along with one other mentioned in the book which I am looking forward to reading! The Universe was guiding and listening to me that day and for that I am so thankful xxx
7 years ago - Like - 2 people like this.
Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Welcome. Thank you for your kind words... and for sharing the book.
7 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.

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Joined: 1/23/2018


Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer