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Daniela Renner ( Full Profile | )

Membership Level: Free
Worked for 20 years in Family Life Education with USDA and State land grant university. Then 16 years as Financial Advisor associate. Retired and traveling. Have 2 kids, DIL SIL and 5 grandsons.


Daniela Renner
Daniela Renner (2)
Made contact by phone with a cousin after more than 20 yrs. We don’t know why we hadn’t been in contact. Talked for over two hours! Felt good to do a little reminiscing and catching up.
Like Repost Comment Share 5 years ago
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Daniela Renner
Daniela Renner (2)
Yesterday I made contact with several of my Australian friends to check on their well-being regarding the Australian wildfires. Heard good reports from all but one, and she is no response. This particular one lives in hard hit area. Extra prayers for her safety.
Like Repost Comment Share 5 years ago
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Daniela Renner
Daniela Renner (2)
Most unusual “gift” of helping neighbor. They had left the country for the holidays, they received notice from Fed Ex that package was to be delivered, we have huge Porch Pirate problem, so i ran over to grab their package as soon as it was delivered to keep it safe until they get home.
Like Repost Comment Share 5 years ago
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Daniela Renner
Daniela Renner (2)
Prepared a big pot of chicken veggie soup on a dreary wet day. Will be taking a pot of soup to a girlfriend that had a hip replacement just before Christmas.
Like Repost Comment Share 5 years ago
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Daniela Renner
Daniela Renner (2)
Day 2, waitress at noon was very pregnant, but kept giving us perfect service. My feet hurt in memory just watching her. We had double coupons so actual cost of our meal was tremendously reduced, gave the waitress a tip of all our coupon savings which was about $23 for 2 lunch items.
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Daniela Renner
Daniela Renner (2)
Share your update...
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Daniela Renner
Daniela Renner (2)
Yesterday, Dec 26 was day 1. Wrote one letter and sent 2 texts to friends I met last summer. Want to combine 29 Gifts with “Christmas All Year” program I was challenged to begin this Christmas season.
5 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Daniela Renner
Daniela Renner (2)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 5 years ago
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Member Overview

Activity: 7
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Joined: 12/26/2019


Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer