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Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Good Giving Weekly: GIVING IN
July 11, 2018

Greetings #29Gifts Community,

Happy Wonderful Wednesday. Is there something you can give up today that will give you a deeper sense of freedom? Maybe a belief or habit that is not serving you anymore. Are you giving in pursuit of wow rather than a desire to be of service? Maybe today you could practice giving in to let go on a deeper level.

1. Forgive someone.

2. Call someone you have lost touch with.

3. Smile and say, “Hello” to new people you meet.

4. Make 29 Gifts Book Marks and give them to libraries or schools. Download and print free 29 Gifts Tags at Click on Documents, then FREE Downloadable 29-Day Giving Gift Tag, Gift Card and Journal!

5. Cook or share some food with a friend, neighbor or homeless person.

6. Write a giving story and share it in our discussion forums. Daily updates go in the Share Your 29 Gifts Experience Forum.

7. Sponsor a giveaway. Share your product or service with our community. Direct Message me for details about sponsoring a giveaway. We need something exciting for our July 29th Great Giveaway Event

8. Say, “Thank you,” as many times possible today.

9. Pray for others.

10. Meditate on the abundance you are experiencing.

11. Ask yourself: “Am I seeing a ripple effect from my gifts?”

12. Give the gift of listening deeply to a loved one.

13. Be generous with affection; hugs, compliments, let your actions speak for themselves.

14. Declutter your home and life by passing on items you no longer need or use.

15. Volunteer your time for a cause you care about. For example join our new 29 Gifts Community Team. Help welcome new members, comment on people's posts and start conversations on If you are interested in joining me, leave a comment on this post or Direct Message me. You can also organize group gives in your local area. When I was traveling and speaking about 29 Gifts, I organized Flower Power Gives in each city. Read about my first Flower Power Give in 2008.

16. Share the gift of LAUGHTER with funny pictures, articles, and stories.

17. Give a gift anonymously.

18. Read a story to your child, spouse, or loved one.

19. Tell someone you care about you love them.

20. Send out positive vibes to all beings everywhere.

21. Write a giving story and share it in our discussion forums. Consider writing a 2,000-word submission for Cami Walker’s second book. PERSONAL ESSAYS WANTED: DEADLINE EXTENDED. 29 Life Lessons: Reflections On Living and Giving is the much anticipated sequel to Cami Walker’s New York Times Bestselling self-help memoir, 29 Gifts: How A Month of Giving Can Change Your Life. 29 Life Lessons includes personal stories from Walker and members of the 29 Gifts global community, self-help prompts, and creative giving tips. Get submission guidelines and read three new stories from Cami

22. Give away spare change.

23. Apologize sincerely to right a wrong.

24. Pass on books you read and love to others.

25. Give little gifts to yourself each day. Yes, giving to yourself “counts.”

26. Offer your gifts without attachment to the outcome.

27. Give away something you think you can’t live without. What is the thing that feels the most “scarce” in your life?

28. Be open to receive unexpected gifts from the Universe.
29. Give with an intention, each day, and write down your gifts.

A reminder, I found a local dog trainer to help me train my new puppy, Trooper. She does an initial private behavior consultation for $125 and charges $95 an hour for private training. I am raising money to train Trooper so he is a registered service dog. I also need help covering costs for more dental work. Please chip in what you can and share this link in the spirit of community! Thanks to my friends, family and fans for helping me raise $765 of my $2,300 goal.

Please invite friends to join you at "Like" and Share Use the tag #29Gifts on your social media posts. Follow Cami on Twitter or Snapchat @camiwalker29 and at Click on Documents to download free 29 Gifts Note Cards and other fun giving tools.

Good Giving!
Cami Walker
Chief Evangelist,
Flower Power Give
My Flower Power Give started at the flower store.
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