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Discussions » How do I participate in 29 Gifts?

Are you new to 29 Gifts? Ask questions and learn more about this remarkable challenge. If you are a seasoned giver, share your giving experiences and insights to help others begin the change that 29 Days of Giving can bring. There are only two requirements of the challenge: 1. Mindfully give one thing away every day for the next 29 days 2. Journal your experiences. You can keep your own private journal, but we encourage you to post them on the site daily. Please attach photos whenever possible. We'd love to share your giving journey!


Lisa B
Lisa B (0)
I too, am an MS warrior. I feel great when I give a gift, but most of the time can’t remember what they are by the time I sit to journal. Either that or I forget about the giving challenge entirely! Trying to find ways to navigate and work on this challenge for a person who is always walking in circles!
Like Repost Comment Share 5 years ago
Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Gifts can be ANYTHING you offer with mindfulness and positive intention. Clean out your closets and give away clothes, shoes, handbags or toys. Give material items, like money or food. Give time, smiles, compliments or simple prayers . Read to your child. Play with your dog. Pet your cat. Pay for someone's coffee or lunch. Don't forget to make some art and write stories about your #29Gifts experience and share them here at
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Simply renew your commitment and start over with Gift 1. Starting over is the suggestion of Mbali Creazzo, the medicine woman who gave the 29 Gifts "Prescription" to Founder, Cami Walker. Don't stress and don't quit. Starting over does not mean you failed; it is a way release the energy from your giving ritual and allow it to rebuild. We also suggest you sit down with your giving journal and reflect on your day. Was there a moment you offered a gift unconsciously or opportunities you didn't act on?
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Simply renew your commitment and start over with Gift 1. Starting over is the suggestion of Mbali Creazzo, the medicine woman who gave the 29 Gifts "Prescription" to Founder, Cami Walker. Don't stress and don't quit. Starting over does not mean you failed; it is a way release the energy from your giving ritual and allow it to rebuild. We also suggest you sit down with your giving journal and reflect on your day. Was there a moment you offered a gift unconsciously or opportunities you didn't act on?
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Review your month and take notice of the changes you see in the quality of your thinking. Are you more positive? Have you noticed a ripple effect from any of your gifts? Many 29 Givers start again at Day One and keep giving because it makes us feel good. I invite you to join our 29 Gifts Community Team and help welcome new members, comment on people's posts and start conversations on the site. You can also organize group gives in your local area. When I was traveling and speaking about 29 Gifts, I organized Flower Power Gives in each city I visited. Read my story about my first Flower Power Give in Hollywood in 2008 Comment on this post or DM me if you are interested.

I also encourage you to write a story for my second book, 29 Life Lessons. Get Submission Guidelines:
Flower Power Give
My Flower Power Give started at the flower store.
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
You can change your email settings in My Account, the downward arrow next to your profile picture. In settings select "Notifications" and you can select or deselect any of the options you like.
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Do I start giving right away, or wait until finishing the 29 Gifts book?
Start whenever you feel moved to begin. Don't worry and just don't quit before your miracle happens. Just start with Day 1, and everything will work out. There are so many things you can give - a smile, a kind word, pick up litter, walk your neighbor's dog, plant a flower for the bees to enjoy, donate to the charity like, feed the birds, recycle more. Anything and everything "counts" no matter how your gifts are received. Be kind and give to yourself too. There is nothing to worry about, there is no right or wrong way to approach your giving. What works for me is to give, whatever it is, with unconditional love and positive intention. Relex, enjoy and give your gifts one day at a time.
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Karen  McCarthy
Karen McCarthy (102)
This site has so many options that it’s a little overwhelming to figure out. What section do i go to to do my daily update?
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
No worries. Daily updates, click on the Discussions link, then Share Your 29Gifts Experience. Focus on your giving and gratitude and let us know what you are learning.
7 years ago - Like - 2 people like this.
Melanie Peters
Melanie Peters (144)
Hello Karen, the 29 Gifts site offers a lot of options, but hopefully you will find that posting your daily updates in Share Your 29Gifts Experience to be motivational and requesting special prayers or intentions in the Prayer Cafe to be uplifting.
7 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Nancy Jacobs
Nancy Jacobs (4)
I am having some trouble navigating the site. I am getting spammed with emails from How do I turn these off? I also read somewhere that you can create your own blog page here. How do I do that? Grateful for any help you may provide.
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Melanie Peters
Melanie Peters (144)
Hi Nancy, you can change your email settings in My Account (the downward arrow next to your profile pic.) In settings select "Notifications" you can select or deselect any of the options you like. Not sure about how to create your own blog. There is a follrsupport community that you can join and they may have the answers there. I use WordPress for my blog and then share my posts in the 29 Gifts discussions. :)
7 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Nancy Jacobs
Nancy Jacobs (4)
Thanks. Melanie.
7 years ago - Like
Tami Huber
Tami Huber (0)
I have a question, do you start giving right away or after you read the book.
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Melanie Peters
Melanie Peters (144)
Feel free to begin giving when you are ready. It does help to have read the entire book to understand the terrific impacts the 29 Gifts Challenge can make. Be sure to journal your giving and intents. Happy giving.
7 years ago - Like - 2 people like this.
Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Welcome. Happy giving, Don't miss Giving Rocks Day day August 29th. Share stories with us. Click on Documents to download free gift tags, note card and journal.
7 years ago - Like