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Karen McCarthy ( Full Profile | )
Membership Level: Free
I’m a wife, Mom, grandma, daughter who works as an RN for an OB/Gyn practice in Toledo, OH. I was a youth minister for 13 years, so I’ve always loved doing this kind of thing. I’m excited to be more involved!


Karen  McCarthy
Karen McCarthy (102)
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
Karen  McCarthy
Karen McCarthy (102)
Today I gave the gift of life by donating blood at the Red Cross. It costs me nothing more than an hour of my time, but it will mean the world for someone who needs it! I pray that whoever receives my donation has a quick recovery!!
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
2 people like this.
Melanie Peters
Melanie Peters (144)
The gift of saving lives is never a small matter. Your consideration, generosity, and prayers are such powerful gifts. Way to give!
7 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Karen  McCarthy
Karen McCarthy (102)
I made perogies for some coworkers today for lunch. They had never had them before, so it was fun watching them enjoy something new!
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
1 person likes this.
Melanie Peters
Melanie Peters (144)
Yum! Sharing is a delicious way to brighten anyone's day.
7 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Karen  McCarthy
Karen McCarthy (102)
This site has so many options that it’s a little overwhelming to figure out. What section do i go to to do my daily update?
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
1 person likes this.
Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
No worries. Daily updates, click on the Discussions link, then Share Your 29Gifts Experience. Focus on your giving and gratitude and let us know what you are learning.
7 years ago - Like - 2 people like this.
Melanie Peters
Melanie Peters (144)
Hello Karen, the 29 Gifts site offers a lot of options, but hopefully you will find that posting your daily updates in Share Your 29Gifts Experience to be motivational and requesting special prayers or intentions in the Prayer Cafe to be uplifting.
7 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Karen  McCarthy
Karen McCarthy (102)
Hi! I’m almost done with the book but was inspired to start my 29 days of giving yesterday. Not sure how this site works. Do i post what I’ve done daily? Advise for a rookie??
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
1 person likes this.
Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Welcome. You can journal about your giving here each day. Click on the Discussions link, then Share Your 29Gifts Experience. Check out the Documents section for FREE Gift Tags and Note Cards. Good Giving.
7 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Karen  McCarthy
Karen McCarthy (102)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
1 person likes this.
Melanie Peters
Melanie Peters (144)
Welcome to the 29 Gifts Community, Karen! It is always great to have folks join us that enjoy the practice of giving and understand just how much it enhances our lives. I look forward to reading about your giving journey.
7 years ago - Like
Karen  McCarthy
Karen McCarthy (102)
I started my 29 days of giving yesterday. I had a free Starbucks coupon and asked them if i could have 2 small pumpkin spice frapachinos instead of a large. I gave it to our office secretary, and she was delighted with the unexpected surprise! I was happy that i was able to brighten her day.
7 years ago - Like

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Activity: 6
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Joined: 11/14/2017


Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer