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Sarah Zettler ( Full Profile | )

Membership Level: Free


Sarah Zettler
Sarah Zettler (2)
Hello all. I am a high school English teacher in Ohio and I am reading 29 Gifts for the first time. I have taught Tuesdays with Morrie in the past to get students to better understand love and kindness, but I find most kids still can't connect. I believe it just might be fate that I found this book, and I'd like to teach it to my juniors this fall. Does anyone have any experience with this book in a classroom setting? I'd obviously like to not just read it, but create a project where students keep a journal of their own 29 days of giving. Thanks in advance for any advice or resources you might be able to share with me.
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
2 people like this.
Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson (238)
Hi, Sarah: We had quite a few instructors on the original 29 Gifts site. Back then, we had over 17,000 members and counting. Sadly, the website and all the data from the site was lost, as well as the member list. Which brings us to the rebirth of 29 Gifts on We now have 143 members, as of today. The exciting part about starting over is that all of you have the ability to break new ground and set examples for others to follow! There are printable pdf files of the 29 Gifts gift tag and card posted under Documents in the menu at the top of this page. The journal is too large to upload, but I will email it to you if you'd like to print them out. The journals are very ink-intensive, though. Cami might have some printed copies of the journal from the original 29 Gifts Boutique that you can buy. If you're interested, leave a message on her Facebook page and she'll get back with you.
9 years ago - Like
Sarah Zettler
Sarah Zettler (2)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
1 person likes this.

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Joined: 7/5/2015


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Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer