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Moyra Scott ( Full Profile | )
Artist, Possibilitarian, Yogi, Dreamer
Membership Level: Free
Hi - I live in Brighton in the UK. I have been sidewiped by the result of the referendum to leave the EU. I voted to remain and I feel at odds with what this country seems to be. I am at loss at what to do, and want to regain my sense that it is possible to build a world I want to be part of. Am taking my politics into my daily life. Taking back control. Taking MY country back. I'd be delighted if you joined me.


Moyra Scott
Moyra Scott (122)
I read this book ages ago, and love it. I am revisiting it because - well, because its an antidote to how I feel about the world at the moment. so much political fiasco that I cant do anything about is depressing!! so -so far today I gave a really hearty compliment to a lady who lives in our street who has just changed the colour of her hair. I am just going to bear in mind what lou Hunley wrote about in her blog (see below) that the gifts not needing to be elaborate but being motivated by giving others delight. I started a few days ago and stopped because I got hung up on it being actual phsycial gifts.... Anyway good luck to you all. Namaste. x
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
1 person likes this.
Moyra Scott
Moyra Scott (122)
I write about why I am doing 29 gifts here
8 years ago - Like
Moyra Scott
Moyra Scott (122)
I live in the UK and am feeling depressed and at odds with my country since the vote to leave the EU. I want to act in my own world and change the way I feel about the outer world. I have given up Facebook and the news for 29 days (as much as I can! ha!) and am starting from today to give a gift, give something away, every day. As an act to create the kind of country I want to live in.
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
5 people like this.
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Nadia Franchi
Nadia Franchi (102)
Hi Moyra
8 years ago - Like
Nadia Franchi
Nadia Franchi (102)
I saw you FB post and was inspired to do this too. Thanks for Giving me the idea xx
8 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Angel Stork
Angel Stork (182)
Brava, Moyra. Your determination raises my spirits!
8 years ago - Like
Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Thanks for helping spread the giving spirit. Hope see some stories from your giving efforts here in our forum
8 years ago - Like
Moyra Scott
Moyra Scott (122)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago

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Joined: 6/30/2016


Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer