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Jodi Consoli ( Full Profile | )

Membership Level: Free
Equal Rights Activist


Jodi Consoli
Jodi Consoli (2)
Gift 15 - I sent a friend and adorable picture of a rabbit and wished her "happy singles awareness day "which is what she calls Valentine's Day. I think she really appreciated it because she has no one to celebrate Valentine's Day with except for her mother. She sent me a nice thank you note. I'm glad I made her feel good.
Gift 16- as tired as I was and despite having other things to do I took time to take my daughters computer to the shop. It hasn't been working for a couple of days and I knew she really wanted it back I was hoping to be able to hand it to her all fixed when she got home from school. Unfortunately the computer shop with Pat and the best I could do was set up an appointment for Friday. So I was a little sad I couldn't give her a big computer but it's one of those times when is the thought that counts.๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’ป
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
Jodi Consoli
Jodi Consoli (2)
Gift14- My daughter was taking a bath to relax. I suddenly felt that I had to find a mood light which I had and make it work. I e had it for a couple of years, it was a gift from my sister who lives in Tokyo, but I can't read Japanese so I couldn't figure out how to open it and put the batteries in. But I was determined to make it work for my daughter. So I pulled and twisted and pryed until at last it popped open, once the batteries were I place, it had a soft glow that slowly changed colors, perfect for a relaxing bath, she loved it. I felt light and happy while I was working on it. It was good for my mood too.๐Ÿฐ
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
Jodi Consoli
Jodi Consoli (2)
Here is a little Good Karma Success: California has just broken out of our extended draught. The ground is saturated and doing it's best to hold together. With that in mind, I have been trying to remember to park on the other side of the driveway where there is not mud. Yesterday I remembered....Last night a tree fell on the muddy side of the driveway! Thank goodness I remembered or my car would have been under the tree!๐ŸŒง๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿš—
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
Jodi Consoli
Jodi Consoli (2)
Gift 9 and 10-....see, this is why it is important to record gifts as they happen because I don't remember 8 and 9 : ( Bad internet connection!
Gift 11- Told my mom how much I am enjoying a gift she gave me.
Gift 12- Gave my time and energy and physical comfort to run an 2 hour meeting for the cause. I was really happy with what we accomplished, but very fatigued after. Most happy that lots of people at the meeting volunteered to also give time and energy at future meetings and events. Giving goes around.๐ŸŽ‰
Gift 13. Let myself relax and accept a hug from my husband when he saw that I was tense....some times I don't want to let go of the tension, I guess because how can I figure the issue out if I'm not forcing myself into it? Silly, huh?
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Melanie Peters
Melanie Peters (144)
Keep giving. Journaling your gifts strengthens your intent and the energy you put into it, but it isn't the heart of the gift.
7 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Jodi Consoli
Jodi Consoli (2)
Gift 8- i focused on being mindful and present in my communication with my husband. It is easy for communication yo become a habit rather than an experience after so many years. I want the experience to be happening more than the habit. And I did have a nice day and even coped well with frustrations that came up during the day.๐Ÿ˜
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
Jodi Consoli
Jodi Consoli (2)
Gift 6- I shared Cami's poem and information about her book on face book. But I've been in a bad place emotionally for a couple of days and by the end of the day, the joy of sharing Cami's poem and story had worn off. I felt strongly tha I needed to give more to help lift my spirits but it was too late at night and I was too tired.. This morning I woke thinking how hard it is to give when you are so emotionally worn out and how very important it is. It was a long day and mindful giving was a challenge. Finally for Gift 7 I decided to email my city's maintence dept. and tell them thank you for working hard to keep flooding and mud slides off our streets during all of the rain we've been having.
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Gloria  Hass
Gloria Hass (40)
Hi Jodi, I'm sorry you're having a rough time and I do hope you feel better soon. I'm sure your city's maintenance dept. enjoyed the letter as they probably don't get any letters that are thankful.
7 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Jodi Consoli
Jodi Consoli (2)
Gift 5- My daughter hurt her hand yesterday. So I helped her with her chores and transcribing her homework but it wasn't a chore for me. Normally adding extra activities to my day makes me feel irritated and more tired than normal. But I was happy to help her. It gave us time together and I was teaching her that chores aren't the worst thing in the world by having a positive attitude and getting the job done quickly. ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿป
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Jodi Consoli
Jodi Consoli (2)
Gift 4- I made a choice to give time to youth even though time and energy are in very short supply in my life. It is time for action 2 of the Women's Marchs' 10 Actions In 100 days. For my action, I decided to host a "huddle" for youth who will be eligible to vote in 2018 or 2020. The kids in the local high schools walked out of class after Trump was elected. I want to give a handful of them a place to come and share ideas and take action on issues that they will soon be voting on. It started today with planning the huddle, but could be a 4 year commitment. Not sure I'm ready for tha, but for now I want to support these youth!โ˜ฎ๐Ÿ––
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Jodi Consoli
Jodi Consoli (2)
Gift 3- I was chatting with someone who has been working for us for about 5 months. He mentioned that he rarely got headaches since he stopped smoking. As we chatted, I realized that no matter how long he had smoked or how long ago he had stopped, he deserved congratulations on his life changing efforts. When our conversation came to a close, I sincerely congratulated him. I could tell he felt good about stopping and was happy to be recognized.๐Ÿ†
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Jodi Consoli
Jodi Consoli (2)
Gift 2- I told my 15 year old I love her. Ii felt happy after I told her.๐Ÿ’–
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Joined: 11/10/2016


Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer