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Member Profile

Elizabeth Cedroni ( Full Profile | )
Seeking an Abundant Universe
Membership Level: Free
31yo Musician, Artist and soon-to-be Wife. I sing, create, and seek a higher purpose. My life is in transition and I am excited to see where the journey will lead me.


Elizabeth Cedroni
Elizabeth Cedroni (290)
Gift 10 - Time
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
Elizabeth Cedroni
Elizabeth Cedroni (290)
Gift 9 - Laughter and Music
Gift 9 - Laughter and Music
Thursday was difficult for me this week.  I have been gripped with depression on a deeper level than I have ever dealt with, and I found ...
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
Elizabeth Cedroni
Elizabeth Cedroni (290)
Gifts 6 & 7 - A Thought, a Thank You and a Chore.
Gifts 6 & 7 - Warm Thoughts and Payback
Yesterdaywas a rough day for me.  This is the second Monday that I've taken off, since I called my work last week and told them I could ...
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
1 person likes this.
Elizabeth Cedroni
Elizabeth Cedroni (290)
Gift 5 - Christmas Donation
Gift 5 - Anonymous
Last  Sunday we decided to take a tag from the angel tree at church. Things have been really tight, but it's a tradition that I like to par...
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
Elizabeth Cedroni
Elizabeth Cedroni (290)
Gift 3, an Overdue Phone Call. Gift 4, an Extra Gift, something I hadn't planned to give.

Unexpected Gifts...
Gift 3 & 4 - A Phone Call & Unexpected Gifting
Yesterday , I ran out of gas. I was leaving work, and was particularly distracted as traffic had picked up so heavily that I was trap...
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
Elizabeth Cedroni
Elizabeth Cedroni (290)
Gift 2 - Chocolate & A Prayer
Blog post:
Gift 2 - Sweetness
What i s a Gift? This challenge has been difficult for my overactive brain. I want to "plan" my gifts out (put some extra care behi...
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
Elizabeth Cedroni
Elizabeth Cedroni (290)
Gift 1 story...
Blog Posting:
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Have fun with your 29 days of giving. Thanks for posting your story.
8 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Elizabeth Cedroni
Elizabeth Cedroni (290)
Thank you Cami! Your movement is inspiring. I loved your book, and couldn't believe the similarities you and Mark share to my fiance and I! I can't tell you how many times I was listening to the audio book when I glanced up and my fiance and he and I gave each other a knowing smile.
8 years ago - Like
Elizabeth Cedroni
Elizabeth Cedroni (290)
Just finished 29 Gifts Audio Book... I'm a little overwhelmed with where to start. I want to make sure that I don't forget anything or miss out on specific challenges with this, but I'm also very excited to begin sharing.
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
Elizabeth Cedroni
Elizabeth Cedroni (290)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago

Member Overview

Activity: 9
Connections: 5
Follows: 15
Links: 4
Tags: 8
Communites: 1
My Story: View
Joined: 11/28/2016


Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer