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Judi McCormick ( Full Profile | )

Membership Level: Free
My name is Judi, I live in Cary, NC which I moved here about 2 years ago, with my 13 year old daughter. She is probably one of the smartest people I know. I'm not saying I don't know smart people but she became a member of Mensa at the age of 8 and is constantly teaching me things. She has a hairless kitty named Peter & they have the most amazing connection. We often foster kittens from time to time. It's a unique year with February having 29 days so I felt it was the universe saying time for my 29 days!


Judi McCormick
Judi McCormick (114)
My first week of gifts has been very fulfilling. I explained the concept to my 13 year old daughter and she has been embracing it herself. My first day was a hard one as money is tight, but my daughters father lost his job and I know his funds are tight too, so I paid for the things his child support covered and told him, I was happy to take a little bit of the pressure off.
Day 2 I knew it was an opportunity to share my gift giving with my daughter, so as we sat in the Dive thru at McDonald's, we said we should buy someone's meal. So after we paid for our own, we asked the lady at the window to let us pay for the next order she takes. She was so surprised by this and really lit up. We saw how that one little guesture touched her too and how awesome for her to be able to say it was already paid for. My daughter was so happy all the way to school thinking about how the person who got breakfast covered felt.
Day 3, the day was really busy and I had a haircut at the end of the evening. I wasn't sure what I was going to do and while I was getting my hair done, she told me about a parking ticket that she got and how it was expensive ($25). It made me think that when I went to tip her I could add the extra $25. I was able to add that to my tab without her really knowing what I did.
Day 5, I took my daughter to Dave and Busters with one of her friends, at the end we went into the ticket redemption area to get some loot. She was looking at all kinds of things, you could tell she was really thinking about stuff. Her friend got some candy and a stuffed animal. My daughter said "mom can you go get the car as I make my choice?" I went to the car and brought it up. Her and her friend came out with bag in hand and got in the car, she said hey mom, did you have fun? I said I always have fun seeing you have fun. She said I've got a surprise for you, I said okay and she pulled out a hello kitty from the bag. (I love hello kitty, she doesn't care for her.) she spent all her tickets to by me a Hello Kitty. Later that night I did some Uber driving and picked up on kids fee's.
Day 6 it was a busy day and I had to take my daughter to meet up with her dad, so we had to grab a burger on the road. I know where we meet up several homeless people are and figured I'd do something then. My daughter asked me if I had done my gift for the day and I said not yet, which got me thinking she wanted to take place in it too. While waiting in line at the drive thru, I was looking threw my purse and saw my $25 bath and body gift card. I had been saving it for some time so I could get something when I needed a pick me up. I placed my order for a cheeseburger and I said to my daughter, do you want to give this gift card to the lady at the window? I was like we don't have to it's a lot and I can't lie I was a little unsure if I wanted to part with the gift card but I said, sometimes doing things can be hard. As we got to the window I paid for my burger and then handed her the gift card. You would have thought I gave her a million dollars she was so excited and couldn't believe that we were serious. As we went to the next window my daughter and I were feeling really happy with our decision to do this. My daughter said do you think she really likes bath and body? I said I don't know but the more we talked about it, we figured that the $25 was probably worth 3 hours of work after tax and all. It made us both feel good to know that she would be able to pamper herself a little.
It has been a wonderful week and makes me feel good that my daughter seems to be taking part in the gifts. This week I scheduled appointments for 3 new patients that came from referrals. A wonderful unexpected surprise.
Like Repost Comment Share 8 years ago
Amanda Goodwin
Amanda Goodwin (232)
So nice that you're doing with you daughter - nice job. Keep the giving going. :)
8 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Judi McCormick
Judi McCormick (114)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
1 person likes this.

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Joined: 1/24/2016


Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer