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Kevin Lewis ( Full Profile | )
Web and Print Designer
Membership Level: Free
I am on day 13 here on Feb. 13! Going very well so far. It's funny how I don't know what I will give each day until it happens!


Kevin Lewis
Kevin Lewis (10)
I tried to bring in shopping carts but there were none. Now I’m hoping to find something to give tonight. Help?
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
Kevin Lewis
Kevin Lewis (10)
It’s February 25 and I am on day 25, which is Sunday. I tried to let a woman go in front of me in line at the grocery store. Then I looked around the parking lot to bring
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Kevin Lewis
Kevin Lewis (10)
I am on an iMac and Step 4 is not working for me in FireFox and Chrome -- I cannot connect to social networks. Plus I don't think I can figure out how to do Step 5. I did my best! My gift for today is being free to help trouble shoot this website if it is needed so it can be all it can be!
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Kevin Lewis
Kevin Lewis (10)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Joined: 2/13/2018


Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer