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Andrew Dahl ( Full Profile | )

Membership Level: Free


Andrew Dahl
Andrew Dahl (2)
Day 6: Reading 29 Gifts has given me the opportunity to think deeply about giving and receiving. Today I received a particularly delicious meal, for which I am very grateful. 🙂 In my life I have been blessed, I have not felt hunger pains or had difficulty concentrating in school because I was hungry. This week I learned of an organization that can feed a child for one whole day for just $0.50 USD! I’m visualizing 10 smiling kids sitting down at my dinner table and feeling good about my gift for today. I made a small donation to the World Food Programme Each year the organization assists over 80,000,000 people in approximately 80 countries!
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Andrew Dahl
Andrew Dahl (2)
Day 5: I’ve been having a little trouble with my breathing and this makes me feel so very grateful to have access to doctors and medicine. My gift for today is a donation to
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Andrew Dahl
Andrew Dahl (2)
Day 4: My gift was inspired by Mbali, I gave a meal and $7 to a person in need.
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Andrew Dahl
Andrew Dahl (2)
Day 3: My gift for today is cooking dinner for my parents 😀 I offer it with love and appreciation.
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Andrew Dahl
Andrew Dahl (2)
Day 2: My gift today is a copy of the book 29 Gifts, for my sister 😀
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Andrew Dahl
Andrew Dahl (2)
Day 1: My gift is for the community, I picked up 29 pieces of litter to help make the neighborhood a more beautiful place.
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
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Andrew Dahl
Andrew Dahl (2)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
Heather Agee
Heather Agee (102)
Way to go, Andrew! I got away from giving and gratitude and am recommiting myself today!
6 years ago - Like

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Joined: 2/17/2018


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