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Atarah Greiwe ( Full Profile | )

Membership Level: Free
I am a stay at home mother of 4 trying to make the world a better & healthier place for my children to grow up.


Atarah Greiwe
Atarah Greiwe (2)
I've read 29 gifts twice and decided to give it a go. I've had a particularly mopey day & couldn't shake a headache. I went to the store to get groceries. In front of me in line was a woman and her two daughters. She used one wic voucher and then tried to purchase the rest of her groceries on her food stamp card. It was declined 3 times. The total was only $33.16 It appeared she was getting things to make a pie and sides for her Thanksgiving meal. The cashier was annoyed and the line was getting very long behind us. The lady said she would have to leave the cart if her card didn't work & left. I paid for my groceries and found her in the parking lot. I tried to hand her $40. She said that's ok. They just put a hold on my card because I bought gas. Since I've been there before I could tell it was an excuse because she felt bad for taking my money. I asked her to please take it as a gift from me & to hurry back in before they put her groceries away. She took it and thanked me. I didn't really have the cash to spare, but I remembered in your book you saying sometimes we need to give away something we don't think we can part with. I really hope this family enjoys their day Thursday & things start looking up for them.
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
1 person likes this.
Amanda Goodwin
Amanda Goodwin (232)
That was extremely kind. I'm so happy you were there to give and she was open to receive. Finding those moments that open us up to giving away what we think we don't have are special...I think, it's grace. Thank you for sharing. Just beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving.
9 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson (238)
Welcome, Atarah. Giving from a place of scarcity is a big part of the prescription from Mbali. which many have found hard to do during their 29 day challenge. Congratulations on making that your first gift! Places of scarcity can include not only money (although that's a big one for me, too), but scarcity of time, food, clothes, etc. What a freeing experience to find that we can share what we have, regardless of how limited. With your thoughtful gift, you sent a ripple of kindness into the world. Your gift enabled this woman to provide a gift of Thanksgiving dinner for her family. Wonderful!
9 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Atarah Greiwe
Atarah Greiwe (2)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 9 years ago
1 person likes this.

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Joined: 11/25/2015


Emma Halliday
Emma Halliday (0)
I'm a sucker for a challenge - so when I heard about 29 Gifts I had to jump in.
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Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer