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Tabby H ( Full Profile | )

Membership Level: Free
Hi, I'm a self-employed property developer from Australia. I guess I've been pretty selfish for most of my life and I loved the book 29 Gifts, so I'm excited to try this out and see what happens? I'm also a hobby photographer. My profile pic is one of my many self-portraits.


Tabby H
Tabby H (6)
Day 4: I've been feeling pretty uninspired about life in general all day. Tried to work, but I felt too sluggish and couldn't force myself to complete more than 3 letters. Yesterday, I found a forgotten bag of charity donations in the boot of the car, so I decided to take them down to the charity bin. On the way home, I went to the newsagent to pick up WISH magazine, which comes in The Australian newspaper on the first Friday of every month. They were sold out. Then I went to the servo to find that someone had purchased the last paper, but left the magazine behind! That meant I got the magazine for free without having to buy the newspaper, which I would always just throw away anyway. SCORE!! WISH is quite important to me as this is where I get all the glorious, glossy pictures for my dream walls in my bedroom. Almost every square inch of the walls in my room are covered with beautiful pictures of lovely things I am on my way to having in my life!
Grateful for the small things today, like a free magazine with which to dreambuild! :-)
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
Tabby H
Tabby H (6)
Hola amigos!

So, I can't actually remember how I stumbled upon 29 Gifts, but I listened to the audiobook yesterday and am excited about this challenge!

Yesterday was Day 1 and in accordance with another challenge (Marci Shimoff's Year of Miracles), I gave 27 items to my local Salvos (Salvation Army) store. I also bought a bubble blower for my flatmate's dog, who is alone most of the time because both his parents work very long hours :-( That evening, my flatmate gave the unlimited use of his printer, which was amazing because I had been in the market for a printer, but didn't really want to spend the money, and presto chango! - here is a free one delivered right to my very bedroom. HUZZAH!!! I don't know if the gift giving was related to the almost-instant receiving, but both sure felt good! Let the abundance continue to flow in BOTH directions!!

Today is Day 2, and I have just wrapped a photobook that I had made up last year after a roadtrip to the ABBA Festival in outback Australia with the Swedish Ambassador and his family. One of the many photos it contains is a portrait of the Ambassador and the town Mayor, who very quickly became besties that weekend, and I know the Ambassador will be very pleased to see it! I should have given the Ambassador a copy last year, but I know he will be happy to have this gift, regardless of how late it is! I will deliver it to the Embassy this evening.
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
2 people like this.
Melanie Peters
Melanie Peters (144)
Hello Tabby, welcome to the 29 Gifts Community. I hope you find support and inspiration for your giving journey here.
6 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
Great gives. Welcome. Can you share a link for the other challenge you are doing?
6 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Tabby H
Tabby H (6)
Hi Cami,
Thanks. I've realised that I've been at war with "Other People" my entire life, so random acts of kindness is weird/new territory for me. I suspect I'm going to come out the other end of it a whole new person! Let's see?
The Year of Miracles is here:
I'm not actually doing the challenge because I signed up for Mike Dooley's Playing the Matrix Laser-Focussed series in early Jan, when it was cheap (which is here if anyone wants to know: )
..but I downloaded the Year of Miracles free e-book, which was very useful! :-)
6 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Tabby H
Tabby H (6)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 6 years ago
1 person likes this.

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Joined: 1/29/2018


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