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Tracey Smorenburg ( Full Profile | )
Membership Level: Free
I'm a Mom of two, business owner and travel enthusiast.


Tracey Smorenburg
Tracey Smorenburg (2)
So day 2 of my challenge went by in a blur. My partner and I run a food ingredients business and today we had our second financial audit! I got completely wrapped up in journal entries and balance sheets - which as a food technologist is a big stretch. After work I was having some down time and realized my favorite talk show host had her last show today. My gift may seem silly but I sent her a thank you note - which she may or may not see. I live in South Africa and it is a very diverse and sometimes charged environment. The lady I sent a thank you to has an incredible talent to help you empathize with other views and opinions, and in SA, some of these views and opinions can be very unsettling and downright challenging. I am truly grateful for her helping me become far more tolerant in my views. I also gave my kids a good luck treat for there exams!
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
3 people like this.
Tracey Smorenburg
Tracey Smorenburg (2)
I was encouraged to start this journey after I posted a pic on Instagram of a gift I made for my daughter and was liked by #camillaswalker. I've just finished reading the book and I think that any positive energy we can offer this world is good. So here goes...
Today I took my neighbour a small bunch of Sweet Peas. She is a Muslim lady and they are celebrating Eid Mubarak. Early this week she dropped off a small plate of eats for our family. I returned the plate the eats came on with a small gift. She had some friends over and invited me in for tea. I got to meet some really interesting women, women who would not move in my social circles typically but it was a really uplifting experience. We may come from very culturally diverse backgrounds but as mothers we are very similar. Good start! I've also just read Mel Robbins, The 5 Second Rule. Normally I would decline a possibly awkward social interaction and would have politely declined the offer of tea. But with my new arsenal of tools, I said thanks that would be lovely and had a good experience.
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
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Melanie Peters
Melanie Peters (144)
Enjoy the journey! I am excited to read about your giving adventures.
7 years ago - Like - 1 person likes this.
Tracey Smorenburg
Tracey Smorenburg (2)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 7 years ago
1 person likes this.

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Activity: 3
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Joined: 6/28/2017


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