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Nonika Myers ( Full Profile | )
Membership Level: Free
Hello, My name is Nonika.


Nonika Myers
Nonika Myers (20)
Hello, I finished my 29 days a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed my experiment with it. I definately saw benefits. Since i completed the 29 days though, i have found that i have slipped back into my previous habits. I still give all the time when i look back at my day. The difference is im not doing it mindfully. I have noticed a difference in my daily 'positive vibe'. Its a lot like yoga for me i think, i feel great when im doing it, and wonder why i stopped when its not in my practice. Time for me to start at day 1 again i think.

Also, I am having a terribly hard time navigating this site. does anyone know a place I can leave feedback or get advice on using it better? I feel like there is potential for connection here but I cant get around the site itself.
Like Repost Comment Share 5 years ago
Nonika Myers
Nonika Myers (20)
Yesterdays gift was a surprise trip for icecream with my adult daughters. It made us all feel young again.
Like Repost Comment Share 5 years ago
Nonika Myers
Nonika Myers (20)
I don't know who will see this here, but I have to believe it will be the right person at the right time. The book encourages us to give something outside our comfort zone. So when the opportunity to volunteer with Helps International Medical Teams to fly to Guatemala and give my nursing skills to help people in need came to me, instead of saying "oh I wish I could ", I actually accepted! This is huge for me. It is something I have wanted to do for years but have never felt empowered to follow through with. I am very excited but nervous. First off, the area isn't the safest to travel in. Secondly, it is a huge financial commitment, one I can't technically meet yet. But it definitely feels like the right time to do this so I am going to have faith that it is going to work out. My prayer request is this: As your gift today would you please pray for a safe trip, one that positivly impacts everyone involved. Please pray for the finances to come when they are supposed to. I know that not everyone can give financially, and I feel odd putting it out there but if you happen to be in a position to make a tax deductible donation or even to refer this information to a person/ business who can, please copy and paste the link below or contact me. Your well wishes are incredibly appreciated. Thank you so much for committing to these 29 days, I think its a powerful way to "be the change" instead of wishing for it. Blessings to you all.
Select donation page, "team donation " for Nonika Myers mission #2303
helpsintl | Donate
HELPS International is working to fight the root causes of poverty in Guatemala.
Like Repost Comment Share 5 years ago
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Nonika Myers
Nonika Myers (20)
I just joined this website, but i have been working on my 29 gifts for a few weeks. I got busy and missed a day so i restarted 13 days ago, this time being mindful to log my gifts and make it part of my routine. Today i gave my daughter a ride home. She is 21 and usually takes the bus the few blocks to her appartment, but I have her a ride this time. It was nice to have some alone time with her and discuss how college is going and what her summer plans are.
Like Repost Comment Share 5 years ago
Nonika Myers
Nonika Myers (20)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
Like Repost Comment Share 5 years ago
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Joined: 4/17/2019


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