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Ann Smith ( Full Profile | )

Membership Level: Free


Ann Smith
Ann Smith (0)
Day 9, Jan 14 - Donated to Food Bank in Australia to help fire victims. I find it easier to donate and give things and harder to find time. Feeling a bit guilty about this.
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Ann Smith
Ann Smith (0)
Day 8, Jan 13 - Gave Mom a copy of 29 Gifts.
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Ann Smith
Ann Smith (0)
Day 7, Jan 12 - Donated to a friend's birthday fundraiser for "treehouse." Also sent a bunch of my running magazines to another friend. Also waiting for mom to go with me to store - even though I could have gone myself hours ago!
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Ann Smith
Ann Smith (0)
Day 6, Jan 11 - Went to going away party for colleague and gave her a piece of cake and stationary. For me, the bigger gift was attending the party because networking and socializing is not my comfort zone.
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Ann Smith
Ann Smith (0)
Day 5 - Jan 10 -Put happy face balloon in my husband's dresser where I knew he would find it.
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Ann Smith
Ann Smith (0)
Day4- Gave a colleague a coffee card for her birthday
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Ann Smith
Ann Smith (0)
Day 3- Got some am&msg for my husband and wrote positive messages because he quit smoking 2 weeks ago
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Ann Smith
Ann Smith (0)
Day 2 - Tuesday, Jan 7. I was going to mention that I put my mom's socks on for her but that just seems like a nice gesture. I just spent a large amount of time filling a broken phone claim for my husband. It was a bunch of paperwork and I need to go to sleeeep! I love him and he is going to get a new phone now.
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Ann Smith
Ann Smith (0)
The book was amazing. I gave my copy away (did not count this as a gift).
Day 1 - Monday, Jan 6 - mailed a bunch of custom photo socks to all my relatives, with faces of family and pets. Also gave socks to my team at work :)
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Ann Smith
Ann Smith (0)
Hi - I just joined the community. Please connect or follow me!
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Member Overview

Activity: 10
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Communites: 1
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Joined: 1/8/2020


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Cami Walker
Cami Walker (354)
29Gifts founder/author/activist/dreamer